Remote Work Tools and Resources

Prepare for Remote Work

  1. Before you leave the office, pack your laptop, laptop power cable and other work tools you regularly utilize.
  2. Forward your incoming desk-phone calls to your mobile phone.
  3. Ensure you know how to log into Emory's VPN (Virtual Private Network) so that you will be able to access network resources remotely.
  4. Consider getting headphones with a built-in microphone for convenient online meetings. (Your laptop has a built-in microphone as well)
  5. Discuss with your supervisor how you and your team will most effectively work together remotely.

Apps and Resources

  1. Zoom online meeting and colleague-chat app for remote communication.
  2. Emory Box for file sharing with colleagues, instead of Emory network file sharing, in order to minimize potential data access disruptions.
  3. VPN to access Emory network resources and increase your online data security.
  4. See ORA-IT's Wiki for additional software and resources guidance.
  5. For IT technical support information see ORA-IT's Wiki for ServiceNow ticket submission guide.

Helpful Remote Work Strategies

  1. Establish a set start time and end time for your remote work day with your supervisor.
  2. When you first sit with your laptop in the morning, email your supervisor a list of the work you plan to accomplish for the day.
  3. Log into the Zoom to be able to chat with your colleagues and work teams (no meeting setup required for the chat feature).
  4. To reduce distractions, communicate with family and friends, who may be nearby, about your work and focus needs.
  5. Utilize video/audio meetings, online chats, phone calls, text messaging, emails, file sharing and other remote communication tools.
  6. Schedule (at least) weekly 1-on-1 meeting with your supervisor and immediate colleagues to discuss projects and goals.
  7. At the end of your work day, email your supervisor a list of the work you accomplished, related deliverables and explanations of
    project updates and/or delays.

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